Gina Rowe


I have been a Trustee since the start of the shadow Trust in 1990. For several years I was the representative for British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, as West Midlands Regional Manager, managing conservation operations in Shropshire, and I know several of the Trust woodlands well. I am currently a Community trustee.  I have worked at Warwickshire Wildlife Trust since 2007, as Head of Living Landscapes, developing partnerships and funding applications to resource nature conservation at a landscape scale. I have BSc Hons in Environmental Biology, and thirty years’ experience of working in conservation management of sites and wider areas, working with volunteers and contractors.

I live on the southern edge of Birmingham, have strong networks across the West Midlands counties and am committed to conservation. I chair the Local Biodiversity Action Partnership for Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull, am trained in badger vaccination against Tb, and am a member of several conservation organisations. I keep my practical experience up to date undertaking dormouse surveys with Warwickshire Dormouse Conservation Group, and training students in countryside and conservation diploma.