Light Gives Life Project
We are planning to undertake roadside felling and coppicing work along the edge of Coach Road in Captain’s Coppice, this work has several objectives:
Safety: Removal of trees considered dangerous, for example due to squirrel damage or Ash Die Back.
Biodiversity: Increased sunlight reaching the woodland floor will benefit ground flora and invertebrates, and the species that feed on them.
Veteran Trees: By carefully selecting which trees to fell, we can help others to thrive and become even better habitat.
This work is funded by a grant from the Potter Group and is overseen by Shropshire Wildlife Trust. The work forms part of our Forestry Commission approved Woodland Management Plan.
The works will be undertaken by Trust staff and contractors during early March 2024. Some paths and the road will be temporarily closed to ensure public safety.
As always, Trust staff will undertake a pre-work survey to ensure no protected species are disturbed by these works.
Telford & Wrekin Planning Ref: TWC/2024/0081