Bower Yard Lime Kilns

LT Lime kilnLimestone quarrying on Benthall Edge probably goes back to medieval times but became immensely important during the 18C/19C, a time of momentous industrial change and innovation in the Ironbridge Gorge. Whilst much the best limestone was transported to the ironmaking furnaces on the north side of the river, other grades of limestone was processed in limekilns at the eastern end of the woods.

Visible from the Severn Valley Way, this bank of limekilns is one of the best preserved monuments of an industry which was once of great importance in the Gorge. A steep inclined plane linked the kilns with the quarries on Benthall Edge.

It is known that the kilns closed sometime in the mid-19C and then enjoyed a brief commercial revival in the 1920s and 1930s when perhaps the economics of extraction became favourable again.

In 2010 the trust rasied £70,000 to repair the lime likns. Sections of the top and  corner where rebuilt as was the buttress. the remaining parts where repionted and a new saftey fence was erected.

To find out more, follow the link to Benthall Edge: Five Historic Guided Walks or take a look at the leaflet The Lime Trail of Benthall Edge

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