Welcome to the news from the Trust

Planned Tree Works at Lloyds Coppice

Planned Tree Works at Lloyds Coppice


Planning permission ref (TWC/2023/0835)

Following on from the public meeting at Coalbrookdale Community Centre in November 2022 and the subsequent woodland site visits, we have listened to people’s concerns and have decided to alter the scope of the works in Lloyds Coppice.

While there are tree safety benefits, the proposed tree works primarily aim to increase woodland biodiversity and resilience under the conditions of our Countryside Stewardship Grant.

Any comments on these works should now be submitted to the Planning Department at Telford & Wrekin Council.

This approach has been agreed between the staff and Trustees of the Severn Gorge Countryside Trust.

Bandsaw Mill Quote

Bandsaw Mill Quote

Severn Gorge Countryside Trust are currently seeking quotes for the supply of a bandsaw mill for processing timber.

The specification of the mill is

Power source 11Kw 400v electric

Log capacity 700mm x 4.8m

Mill to be supplied with loading ramps, 20 sawblades, electronic setworks, powered feed and powered de-barker.

Candidates will be chosen from a combination of price, spec of the system, and business suitability.

Applicants will have until 23 September 2023 to submit all relevant information to staff@severngorge.org.uk

For any additional information or to discuss this opportunity please email ceo@severngorge.org.uk

Annual Open Evening

Annual Open Evening

We are holding our FREE Annual Open Evening on Wednesday 26 July from 7-9pm at the Birchmeadow Centre, Broseley.
Come along to learn more about the work of the Trust and enjoy a talk by our guest speaker, local ecologist, John Handley who will be giving a talk on the importance of Hay Meadows.
Tree Works – Dale Coppice

Tree Works – Dale Coppice

Planning permission ref TWC/2023/0333
Following on from the public meeting at Coalbrookdale Community Centre in November 2022 and the subsequent woodland site visit, we have listened to people’s concerns and have decided to change the scope of the works in Dale Coppice.
The proposed tree works to be undertaken are now only related to public safety.
The beech trees that have been marked up have been badly affected by squirrel damage. The damage can often be seen clearly from the ground, in the videos we commissioned and in the findings of our independent arboriculture consultant’s report.
The Trust has put a huge amount of time, effort and resources into this and any comments on these works should now be submitted to the Planning Department at Telford & Wrekin Council.”
This approach has been agreed between the staff and Trustees of the Severn Gorge Countryside Trust.


Our 2023 Big Give Green Match Fund campaign has now closed. If you missed it and would still like to make a donation towards our work, click here! https://www.paypal.com/donate/…
In this year’s Big Give Green Match Fund campaign, supporters helped to raise an amazing grand total of £5,253 (including match funding) that will go towards creating vital habitats for amphibians, invertebrates, mammals, and birds by restoring and reconnecting the ponds in the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site.
We’d like to say a big thank you to all supporters, donors and our campaign champion, The Big Give Trust, for their generosity.
The Big Give is the UK’s biggest match funding campaign platform which, since 2008, has raised over £186 million for UK charities.
For seven days from April 20th-27th, it offered supporters of participating charities the opportunity to have their donations doubled as part of their Green Match Fund campaign! Donations were DOUBLED for free by our generous campaign champion helping us reach our overall target of £5,000!
Orchard Blossom Day 28 April 2023

Orchard Blossom Day 28 April 2023

On 28th April orchards across the nation are preparing to open their gates for Orchard Blossom Day.  This new annual celebration of fruit trees, flowers and food launches across the UK and Europe on  the last Friday of April. The Day is partly for the joy of celebrating orchards as magical places for the benefit of people and nature, places of a huge but dwindling variety of fruit trees and places in need of conservation across Britain and Europe. But it is also to raise awareness of local food production using more wildlife friendly methods.

Supported by the dozens of organisations that comprise the UK Orchard Network, this new Day will complement the hugely popular Apple Day events started by Common Ground in 1990 to celebrate the apple harvest in all its variety.

Find your local open orchard or discover more about heritage orchards at www.orchardnetwork.org.uk.

The Trust has two community Orchards; Woodside Orchard and Coalport Orchard, for more information please follow the link https://www.severngorge.org.uk/orchards/

Here you will find the directions to the Orchards together with some activities you can do.